The COVID-19 Relief Bill signed into law is expiring December 31, 2022. The primary result of the American Rescue Plan Act on health insurance was larger ACA subsidies for individuals between 100-400% of the federal poverty level (FPL.) It also removed the "subsidy cliff" expanding subsidy eligibility to those above 400% FPL.
Due to the enhanced ARPA subsidies, more people are covered now through the Marketplace than any year since it began in 2014.
If Congress does not pass additional legislation, we will return to the pre-ARPA subsidies for health plans that will be available for this upcoming Open Enrollment Period beginning November 1, 2022.
It is estimated that over 3 million people will lose coverage next year if ARPA subsidies are allowed to expire.
Please consider contacting your representatives & senators:
Here is a sample script - personalize it if you or someone you know will be impacted:
Hello, my name is [Name]. I am concerned about the upcoming expiration of the American Rescue Plan Act health insurance subsidies. If Congress does not act to continue these additional subsidies before Open Enrollment this fall, Americans will be facing higher premiums and some may no longer be able to afford coverage at all.
Stay well,